•Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team titles w/Al Snow defeating The RockNRoll Express (April 7, 1995); •United States Wrestling Association Southern title defeating Spellbinder (July 13, 1997); •WWF Heavyweight title defeating Steve Austin (King of the Ring 1998); •WWF Tag Team titles w/Mankind defeating The New Age Outlaws (July 13, 1998); •WWF Tag Team titles w/Mankind defeating SCSA/Taker and NAO and Rock/Owen in a 4-WAY (August 10, 1998); •WWF Tag Team titles w/XPac defeating Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart (April 5, 1999 - RAW); •WWF Hardcore title defeating The Big Show & Raven (Wrestlemania X7); •WWF Tag Team titles w/Undertaker defeating Edge & Christian (April 17, 2001 - Smackdown!); •WWF Intercontinental title defeating Triple H in a Chain match (Judgement Day 2001); •WCW Tag Team titles w/(这是WCW与WWE联盟合并后的一个冠军腰带)Undertaker defeating Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (August 9, 2001 - Smackdown!); •WWF Tag Team titles w/Undertaker defeating DDP & Kanyon (Summerslam 2001); •WWE Tag Team titles w/Hurricane defeating Lance Storm & Christian (September 23, 2002 - RAW); •WWF Intercontinental title defeating Chris Jericho (September 30, 2002 - RAW); •(WWE) World Tag Team titles w/Rob Van Dam defeating Storm & Morely & Dudleyz in a 3-WAY (March 31, 2003 - RAW); •(WWE) World Tag Team titles w/The Big Show defeating Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (November 1, 2005);