口头禅:Because I am the miz And I am Awesome~! (我是米兹,我最牛~~)
2012-03-05 20:44
The Miz
性别:男 身高:185 cm 体重:105 kg 中文名:米兹(米兹尼) 绰号:The Awesome One 本名:Michael 出生日期:1980-10-9 首次登台:2003年 现状:反派角色,与R-Truth发生剧情
出生地:Parma, Ohio现居地:Los Angeles, California教练:Ultimate University终结技:Mizard of Oz (Swinging reverse DDT) – 2006–2007 Reality Check (Running knee lift to a kneeling opponent's head followed into a neckbreaker slam)– 2007–2009 Skull Crushing Finale (Full nelson facebuster) – 2009–present Signature moves口头禅:Because I am The Miz And I am Awesome~!常用招式:Discus punch Sitout shoulder jawbreaker Springboard bulldog Swinging corner clothesline冠军次数:* Pro Wrestling Illustrated PWI 2010年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第12名 PWI 2011年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第一名
* Deep South Wrestling Deep South重量级冠军(1次)
* Ohio Valley Wrestling OVW南部双打冠军(1次) – with Chris Cage
* World Wrestling Entertainment WWE世界双打冠军(2次) – with John Morrison (1) and The Big Show (1) WWE冠军(1次) WWE双打冠军(3次) – with John Morrison (1), The Big Show (1) and John Cena (1) WWE美国冠军(2次) WWE Mr. Money in the Bank (Raw) (2010年)长期对手:Sheamus, John Cena, John Morrison, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, R-Truth